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Heritage Travel

Develop Your Heritage Tourism Opportunities


“Tourists simply won’t go to a city or town that has lost its soul.” – Arthur Frommer


Heritage tourism is a growing niche market that helps preserve and promote a community’s history, culture and traditions – this includes historic sites, historic architecture, musical heritage, local art, regional foods and more. Efforts to preserve and promote historic resources can not only increase tourism, but revitalize neighborhoods, encourage private investment, and build a community’s sense of place. According to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, visiting historic sites or museums ranks only third behind shopping and outdoor pursuits for travelers in this country. Rural BaseCamp works with community, governmental, corporate, and nonprofit partners to develop a stakeholder team, shared vision and action plan to connect visitors and local citizens with your community’s heritage assets. We can assist with grant writing, interpretation through, visitor guide development, digital marketing, media relations and podcast storytelling.


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Interpretive Signage for Historic Structures

Successfully obtained state grant funds to develop interpretive signs and markers for historic buildings in Pikeville, TN.

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Paddler’s Guide to Civil War History

Researched and wrote guide to Civil War history sites along waterways in the Chattanooga region of Southeast Tennessee.

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Exploring Cherokee Heritage Guide

Researched and updated a regional guide to Cherokee Heritage sites in the Chattanooga region of Southeast Tennessee.

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Meigs County, TN Visitor Guide

Developed a visitor guide for Meigs County, TN, that highlights National Register of Historic Places sites, including barns, old bridges and historic homes.

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